For past weeks, haven't been posting anything since school and social life get in the way.
Anyway, one of my friend hit Gladiator so I was jelly and decided to catch up to him. And I have finally decided on Guardian or HolyKnight. I am going Guardian since I want it for the long run and not just "some cleric that give crit buff for lab/raids." At the moment I'm level 98 and around 50%. I could be 99 and close to 100 by now if I did most of my quest but I plan to hit 105 which mean grinding/questing at 102 since there is no repeat. x.x Most people think you can that you can still do mimic repeat at 102 but you actually can't, and I was one of those people and learned it hard way. Soooo GUARDIAN HERE I COME. OH wait I don't have a screenshot because Frap decided that I need a new key to use for screenshot which I did not find out till TODAY. -___-.. Just.. Fml
Here is just a picture of my guardian. /lazybum |
So.. since the last patch.. Plvling has gone crazy. Someone is asking for plvl from 36-40 in 50 abyss for 14g.. Since I don't know much about this new patch, I can't really say anything and yes I have look around on forum about it but I don't plan to read 50+ page wall of text. Tl;Dr
14 gold.. that is just sad.. no wonder everything is going up in price. |
Lately, I'm losing more and more interest in playing Fiesta. SO I got my boyfriend to duo with me.. Trickster and cleric duo.. I have a bad feeling.. I'm still deciding if I should play mage or trickster and one of my fav mount is going to be out. =v= To get or not to get sparkcash...
Thats all for today. <3 I'll probably update more if I decide on which character I want to play. Till then..QQ